Saturday, May 24, 2008

Long weekend

What a Long weekend it has been. It all began on Thursday we went to Siena a little town not far from the coast. It was so fun and really cute!! Weather was again rainy and overcast but I still love it! We went to the city hall, saw some painting, and a church. The church had crazy black and white striped marble inside it was really neat, and these crazy glass parts in the floor that you could step on and see down below you. People in our group were really scared of heights so Sydney and I stepped on the glass to show them that it was not scary and that it would hold our weight. It was really funny, Stefanie tried to capture it for me but she wasn't quite tall enough to get high enough so you could see the floor. The train ride home was so long, but I don't mind train rides as long as I have my little ipod, she sure does make the rides very enjoyable. (this was actually from Wednesday morning, but I forgot I had it until I loaded some more of my pics on to the computer, it is just a view from the top of our hotel. I eat breakfast here every morning.)

Friday morning we left for Pisa, the leaning tower. The tower was not near as big as I was expecting but man it was leanin. (jess-- "looked like she was leanin'!" we have to watch that show when i get back). I wanted to hike to the top of the tower but you have to make reservations and we had a train to catch at 2:30, they were booked until then, guess I will just have to make my way back to climb it some other time. I got some fun letters there in Pisa, I ate lunch with some people as well as our prof Steve. He bought us these bruschetta appetizers and man were the delicious. It was so good but so filling.
Here I am being so strong and holding up the tower, Aubrey kind of didn't have me position my top hand very well, oh well!
Here Aubrey and I are getting ready to celebrate because taking notes in Italy is over, we have our final on Monday and then party in Venice until Friday morning when I leave!! (so soon, that is crazy)
We said goodbye to Steve for the weekend and headed off to the Cinque Terre. After a few hours and some seriously long train delays we finally made it to the stop and then waited for a shuttle that took us down to our camping spot. We found these funny little tents that had 2 beds on cots on them. They were actually pretty nice, minus the spider I saw working its way to my bed when we walked in.We headed back to the town, which I swear was a ghost town, there was hardly anyone there and we had 3 choices of places to eat. We went and checked out the beach, exfoliated our feet because there is not really sand, just baby rocks. (makes your feet feel real soft afterward) Stefanie and I went to this hotel restraunt. I tried spaghetti carbonara, which was okay. It is spaghetti noodles with white creamy egg sauce and then chopped up bacon. The bread at the hotel however was amazing!! Went back and chatted with everyone and got ready for bed, Stefanie was bending over to get something and threw out her back. So this morning I went to the beach attempting to play and take some pics for an hour or 2 but it was so overcast and even rained for a little bit. So I headed back to get Stef. The shuttle at the hotel doesn't run between 11:30 in the morning and 5:00 and the train we needed to catch was at 4. I had already made the 40 minute trek from town to the camping site and figured stefanie would not be able to walk it with her back. I talked to the lady at the front and she talked to the shuttle driver who was really kind and drove us to the train. We got there and I bought our tickets just in time, I had to validate it and the train pulled up so I yelled to have Stefanie try to start running to the train I was booking it up the stairs with both of our stuff and I heard the doors shutting and Stefanie yelling hurry, she was trying to hold the doors open, pretty funny luckily we made it. Our ticket said we bought it at 3:57 and the train was scheduled to leave at 3:59 so we seriously barely made it. Made it to our next train in Le Spezia. We ran to our next train which was delayed, ended up being delayed for an hour, and then they had us switch to another platform clear across the way. We made it to that train which brought us back to Florence where we took a taxi back to our hotel. It was quite the crazy day but now Stef is in her room and hopefully her back will get somewhat better and I am in my room enjoying some alone time but a little sad I didn't get to play at the Cinque terre, yet another reason I will just have to come back to Italy I guess!!
So here I am at the beach for a little minute when it was overcast today.

Anyway I am beat so I am out like a trout, arrivederci!

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