Sunday, May 25, 2008


Today really was a serious day of rest, we got up and went to sacrament. Which was great, there was hardly anyone there compared to last week so a missionary just sat next to me and translated for me, that was pretty funny. It is always interesting to be listening to someone speak another language, but then to have someone tell you what they said and you know that they aren't saying everything it was interesting. He did a really good job though, and I really appreciated it. We came back to the hotel and I started packing my bag, we got Stefanie up and went and got some lunch. Steve ordered us this appetizer, it was canteloupe (which I detest) and it had very thinly sliced, naturally cured, raw ham on top of it. I tasted it and the meat was actually really great. I only ate one slice of the canteloupe, but for not liking the stuff it was pretty good. Then I had tortellini which was amazing and some sort of struedel dessert that was also really delish. Came back to the hotel and had a little nappie, which felt amazing. I have been looking at my pics and sorting out letters that I have gotten, I am almost done, good thing because I leave on Friday, can you believe it? I have about 5 letters left, so I have to step on it. A few nights ago some of us went out at night to take some pictures so this light picture is a pic I took that night, with my fun lensbaby. So fun I love playing with it and I kind of like this pic so I just thought I would post it so you could see.
And here I am all ready for church this morning. sweater?

No sweater?

Tomorrow is our final, and Tuesday we are off to Venice!!


Amber said...

No sweater. Show off you curves sista! When do you get back?

kajsia mccoy said...

I agree with Frips. Ba boom.

Jessa said...

its way too late but I say no swear as well. makes you look like a hot mama.