Sunday, February 17, 2008


So I gave my talk and I am glad it is over!! I think it went pretty well, especially considering I put off the actual writing part until yesterday! I love sitting up on the stand and watching everyone and talking to Cal.(he is the 1st counselor and my 2nd dad) The lady who was doing the musical number today pounds on the keys so hard, its pretty distracting and so LOUD even from the pews. So she came up to play today and Cal leaned over to me and said "This can get pretty loud, so be prepared." He was dead serious about it too, I was laughing really hard. So I was like oh should I lean forward than? We were cracking up all sacrament about stuff, so it is probably a good thing I don't sit up there every week with him. I spoke on the vitality of scripture study and read some pretty interesting talks about it. I will say it is a relief to have it over though, I wasn't really nervous at all up there giving it I just had the hardest time starting my talk. (The only bad thing about knowing Cal so well is how often I have to give talks, he actually called me once on a Saturday at 4:30 and asked me to speak the next day, he says well I know I can count on you, you are just so reliable, haha great!) But now it is back to homework and the dreaded portfolio. I just want to get in to the BFA program SO bad. The deadline is nearing and I am kind of really starting to freak out. (for those who don't know I decided to get my BFA instead of just my BA in art and visual communications. this requires that I apply with a portfolio of 16-20 of my best works and since I wasn't really planning on doing this I pretty much got rid of all my begining class work. The drawings that I still have are, well, Simon said I should probably draw some more haha) Anyway its back to that!!!!

Speaking of deadlines my friend, Josh is coming home on Friday the 22nd, I honestly can't believe it has been 2 years. I am super excited for him to come home! It should be interesting to see him, I still wasn't even graduated from high school when he left. Here are some pictures he has sent me, he is the cute one on the left. The botttom picture was the most recent I just got it last Wednesday with one last letter! It should be fun to have him home again.....................
Hope everyone has a nice relaxing weekend, I get all out of wack when I don't have school or work, but hey I can't complain paid holidays are always great;)

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