Monday, February 11, 2008

Black and white conversion

Apparently I am on a blogging role. So our next assignment for digital has been to convert a color image that we shot to black and white. I thought of three effects I would like to represent through a black and white image.

First it can make an image more meaningful. This could be just another bridge if it was in color, however the use of black and white makes the image stronger and more provoking. (as does the long exposure, etc.)
Next it can create a romantic mood. Again I feel this image is strengthened and much more interesting because it is black and white.
Lastly it can make an image more mysterious and intriguing.
I am going to try and emulate these three aspects in my photo.. I am kind of struggling starting this project. I have it narrowed down to 2 images but can not decide which would benefit more from being presented in black and white.

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