Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Photo shoot with Jess

So our next assignment for lighting was Quality of light. Had to do 3 pictures
1. shoot one with a mix of cool temperature light and a warm light
2. hard light
3. soft light

I did some shots of Jess last night I feel like we had some fun, well I did, and things went pretty smoothly (at least when the gel was practically glued to the light and it didn't sound like the ceiling was going to collapse on us!!). I felt much more comfortable with her because she was super patient and she could help me when I needed it. We ended up laughing our way through the whole shoot and I was super nervous at the end because the assignment was due today but they all turned out GREAT! I had a hard time choosing the ones I wanted to use. So basically Jess is my new designated model haha, I bought her Cafe Rio to bribe her and I am willing to do it again.................

Anyway here are the pictures from the shoot that I turned in today, we shall see how this grading goes. I gave myself a B+.

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