Thursday, April 10, 2008


The state, quality, or fact of being spontaneous.

So pretty sure I have been attempting to be more spontaneous with life. Pretty sure I am getting much better at going with the flow. But today proves my overall progression. My friend Shanna got married today in Portland Oregon and her reception is tomorrow in Camas Washington. Jess and I really have been wanting to go but because of other obligations decided against it. However earlier at precisely 12:00 I was just about to get out of her car when she said I wish we were going to be in Washington tomorrow night. I said LETS DO IT!!! So a few minor complications figured out,(like taking work off, figuring out gas, directions, hotel, etc.) we are going to leave tomorrow at 5 am. I am super excited because I am taking pictures of Jess for my lighting portfolio and it will be sweet as, (and yes I meant to say as!) No one else is going to have cool pics from Oregon and Washington. Anyway it is getting late and as spontaneous as I am becoming I would like to pick the clothes I bring instead of being surprised when I arrive. (ps more of my life plans to come soon, I am finally figuring it all out!!)

hope everyone has a great Friday I'll post again soon, jess just told me the hotel has free wireless hahahha

1 comment:

The Coons Family said...

Oh my gosh.... I want to go!!! Tell her I love her!