Sunday, April 20, 2008

I need to sleep on it

So usually I am the little girl who hates change, lately however (and i can not quite find the reason for this turn about) I have been enthralled with the idea of change. In a previous post I mentioned that I had a new life plan. That being that I would graduate next spring 2009, with a BS in art and visual communications. That following summer/fall depending on what happens, I would than move either to New York, Seattle, Portland, Boston, maybe even North Carolina to be an assistant for a few years. I want to do potraits and think that being an assistant in the field would be more beneficial than staying in school taking classes that are great but not as beneficial as the experience and portfolio I would get otherwise. I have been researching ( I know it is early but I am such a planner!) photography jobs and assistant positions and think I could handle that. I am however still open to new ideas, seeing that I have a year left. I will be taking 15 credits the next 2 semesters to complete the 122 credits I will need. It is going to be a lot but manageable! As a result of new choices and changes in my plans I feel that I need to sleep on my decision and see how I feel in the morning. Wish me luck!!

Ps I finally got my lighting portfolio done. And I got Travis' final done, here is one image from the work for Travis that I shot in Portland that I really LOVE!!


Jessa said...

how'd the sleep go?

Amber said...

What are you doing for Travis's class? The alphabet thing? I like this shot. I want to see the rest of your project.