Monday, May 4, 2009


some people might call what i did crazy...some might call it brave and others might say it was plain stupid (to those who think it was stupid please watch 'he's just not that into you' i'd much rather make a fool of myself by putting myself out there then live a sad and lonely life, because through all the heartache and emotional roller coaster, at least i know i am alive and getting closer to finding 'him' every time i fall in love). i just call it being me...awkward...and forward...sometimes impatient...and totally quirky...

on sunday i told this boy i love(i use that term very very loosely) that i have a little baby crush on him. it was hard to confess that, try it sometime, but i couldn't stand the thought of regretting never having said anything to him. we had a good talk and i am glad i told him...i am not sure what will happen, we are both leaving for the summer and he is kind of dating someone. but regardless he has taught me a lot about what i want and to never settle. i love and greatly cherish our friendship, secretly hoping he will realize we are mfeo.

but until than i'll move on and start the next adventure of my york city will you be my summer fling?


Nursing School by Night said...

New York can be your summer fling, and I will be your fall fling! And I am one of those people who thinks you are very brave. I still regret not saying something to some people.

Jessa said...

i have men lined up and down the block here in new york, just waiting for your arrival.

rache, you are the exception.

Becky said...

CUTE! Good for you! When you do you leave for New York!? I LOVE NEW YORK CITY!

Amber said...

Oh yeah! I'm so proud of you! My little girl's growing up(tear.)