Monday, June 16, 2008

a great 20

most people party on the birthdays, not me and i wouldn't have had it any other way. i just had a normal day, i worked, my dad took me to lunch, emily decorated my cubicle and made me amazing cupcakes! i opened some presents. went to dinner at chilis had some delish chocolate cake from costco, (def recommend that!) and then i went running. and as a birthday treat i decided to treat myself and run further then i ever have before. i broke a new record, in a little under an hour i ran about 7 miles, my biggest run yet, here i come marathon. my parents and i at chilis, thanks for everything mom and dad!!
The amazingly chocolatey cake from costco!!!
my cute little sisters made my room a disaster with streamers and balloons and thought it was hilarious!! thanks guys.....
azure and lexi look thrilled to be at chilis for my bday!
thanks everyone for all the presents, phone calls, texts, messages it sure made me feel loved!

i love you all ;) and thanks for a great 20th


whit & dan said...

you look so cute on your birthday! :) i am glad you had a good time.

Shanna said...

You are your parents are seriously adorable. I love your little family! I want to come and play with them again soon!! =)

Amber said...

Happy day! How exciting you got to talk to your boytoy! Yeah! You are like an exact mix of your parents. That's cute!

kajsia mccoy said...

happy birthday friend. you are cool... and you run so far- it makes me tired just hearing about it.

Laura said...

Happy Birthday!! You seem like you should be turning 21 not 20 your too mature. Loved your fiftieth talk in church the other day. I can't wait to hear you talk again in August.(lol) You are really a runner now. I wanna come sometime. Let me know if you want a partner. Tell your Mom Hi.