Thursday, March 6, 2008


Wow I can't believe it is March 6th, practically the 7th already!! Time is flying by........ This upcoming week is spring break, (it technically starts on Wednesday but 3 of my 5 classes are cancelled!) Simon gave us the assignment of doing something fun and relaxing for ourselves. I hope to do something of the sort but I am planning on using most of the time for my portfolio that is due on March 21st!! (well that is when I am not at work earning as much money as possible) Today was Azure's birthday she turned 7, its pretty crazy. Whenever I asked her what she wanted me to get her she would say underwear as a joke, and for christmas she asked for fuzzy (fuze as she wrote) socks so I told her I was going to mix the two and get her fuzzy underwear she laughed and said I wouldn't but I told her I would. So last night she said before bed, Fine put my fuzzy undies on my bed so I can wear them in the morning. I was laughing so hard. Sad to report I did not find fuzzy undies and just had to settle for normal but I made her wait to open them until we were at her birthday dinner at Macaroni Grill ;) She was pretty embarassed and than expected them and said these are not fuzzy. It was pretty great, but anyway happy birthday az. (oh and when we got home she was showing me and lexi her Littlest pet shop cake and all of a sudden bam it was on the floor and azure was crying saying oh I shouldn't have showed you it, I am grounding myself all week. I was trying not to laugh so I wouldn't hurt her feelings. It was super cute and funny)......... I took pictures of Gabby today at the studio and I think some turned out pretty cute, she was such a toot though. I was seriously trying to do anything to maker her smile and laugh and hold still. I am glad for spring break and I here are some of my recent assignments and some of Shanna and Austin.
I did this as a combination of sunlight and another continuous light for lighting. I like the way it turned out and LOVED the clouds and I adore these lights.

My dad the cowboy, for a CD cover I am working on for Digital.

Another light one that I really liked!!

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