it's been 6 months since my last post, have you given up on me yet? so much has happened in the last 6 months, it has been busy, crazy, and amazing for us!
we moved into a new basement apartment, we are still in highland and just a few minutes from my parents. i love that! especially when i get so bored in the day time. we tried to get into a house at the beginning of this year but everything we tried did not work out. it was a serious bummer at the time but now we are grateful for that blessing. {continue reading for enlightenment}
we celebrated forrest's 28th birthday.
we spent a week in vegas at the cancun resort. it was so great! we hung out with great friends and chilled at the pool. i always love our 5 hr drives to and from vegas, we laugh, i sleep, and we sing our guts out.
i turned 25, i'm a quarter of a century. and that is all there is to say about that.
we celebrated our 2nd anniversary. sometimes i cannot believe it has been 2 years already! and on the other hand most days i can't even remember what it was like before forrest. it's strange how time eludes us like that.
and for the most exciting news, i had my yearly checkup with my gynecologist everything seemed routine, i told dr haskett we were trying and it had been about 3 months since we stopped preventing he said give it 6 more months and if we were worried to come back in and talk about other options {um hi i'm a girl trying to get pregnant who just had a very invasive exam who is terrified about infertility issues since it is so prevalent these days, it amazes me still that i didn't burst into tears}. 5 days later i found out we were pregnant!!!! it was so surreal taking that test and having it say i was pregnant, i almost couldn't believe the test was right. i'd made a special abc book for forrest that i'd been saving for a few months and saved the 'P' page for when i knew i was pregnant. unfortunately my lack of patience kind of ruined all my prior planning. it was like 1O:3O in the morning and i'd already known for 3 hrs without telling anyone!! it felt like i was bursting and exploding because i hadn't said anything to anyone! it was torture. the worst part was forrest was at work all day and at noon i would be babysitting for 12 hrs straight! i decided to tell forrest at work, there was no way i could last all day without spilling and i didn't want to share such exciting news in front of 3 kids we didn't really know. so i pulled up in the parking lot and forrest came out to the car i think i was kind of acting weird, i just remember forrest saying what's going on, are you okay? i think i stammered out here i made this for you, again odd why at the end of march would i give him a random abc book of our life together. lucky for me he is sweet and doesn't really question my insanity. he started flipping through, oh this is fun, this is cool, and i'm dying inside thinking can p be any farther away?! he finally got to the pregnant page and was shocked. we both hugged, and laughed, and cried tears of excitement obviously, forrest didn't believe it either, he asked if i was playing a joke. it was hard leaving him knowing i couldn't really talk about it until he got off work. and i guess for that reason the diamond rental in pleasant grove {as much as i despise the place} will always hold a special place in my heart. since that reveal we have told families and friends, well forrest would say I've told people but potato patato ;) we have been to 3 doctors appointments, announced the gender, bought a crib, a stroller, and a carseat. {i may or may not have bought a pair of freshly picked moccs and some toms but really that's pretty tame for how much i love to shop} we have our 2O week appointment on the 1Oth and i'm just hoping this little boy is measuring ahead of his current due date! both of our families have had BIG babies, and to be honest that is kind of scary. i mean i was 6 weeks early and 6lbs! how does that even happen? but the big kicker is he is due November 25th which means if he is born within a few days of his due date he would have a thanksgiving birthday every few years, as someone who occasionally shares her birthday with fathers day, i really don't want this baby boy to share his birthday with a holiday. especially thanksgiving. so come early baby boy! and every time i look at that little 12 week picture i just die, he is already so cute!! even when he looks like a peanut! pictured below are in the following order, daddy's favorite picture so far of baby boy, and the gender reveal cake i made to tell our families (apparently it doubled as my birthday cake at my in-laws hence the candles :)