it all started with a mouse...
on wednesday morning right before i left for work i was in the kitchen getting some breakfast and little mousey stuart scurried right in front of me under the stove. one of the most disgusting things i have ever witnessed.
got to work only to find i had multiple problems there to tackle.
after a horrible day at work i couldn't wait to meet up for wingers wednesday [which happens the 4th wed. of every month] it was lame ha ha.
so the sour mood continued...went country dancing, which is bound to make things better right? wrong. it was the worst time i have ever had. only 1 cute guy asked me to dance and some complications i can not speak of made that frustrating...
we were supposed to leave at 11 and didn't get gone till after 12 in the am.
the day only got better at 12:47 when i laid my little head down to sleep.
[thought thursday would be was, till we showed up to our softball game being canceled...than as we warmed up for our 8:15 game i missed the ball and got nailed in the jaw. not only did it hurt, i lost one of my favorite pair of earrings, i didn't even get to play, and i could not chew or open my moth very wide]
is this a joke?