Wednesday, September 30, 2009


today i lifted and flipped over the 100 lb tire at work all by myself!
i tried this previous to starting p90x and well i think today tony
would be proud of me and my little nuggets {also known as biceps}
so folks P90X kicks your booty but it works!


Becky said...

So P90X is an exercise? Where do you work? I don't know how I will get the answers to these questions...but, congratulations for lifting/moving the 100 lb. tire!

Shanna said...

Whoo hoo!! Tony would be so proud! He motivates me to want to flip 100 lb. tires too. I'm so proud of you! I like when he says "ohhh it buuuurrrnnnsss!" hahaha cause yes, it usually does.

Jessa said...

you also feed the horses occasionally, remember???