Sunday, February 22, 2009

old things

some might say i have an over obsession for old, worn out things, i call it passion. i am working on a project for my advanced photo studies class my basic reason for shooting these images:
i like how they portray the same vulnerability i sometimes feel and seem to have their own quirky characterstics that i possess. sometimes they are random, sometimes awkward, sometimes too much of them is exposed and they don't seem well put together. and even though they sometimes seem too worn out, i know they once thrived and they are still intensely beautiful.


Becky said...

I love your parallelism. You seem to know yourself so well. I sort of envy that about you. I wish I knew myself better.

You are one of the most lovable people I have ever met. I love your blog because it shows your personality so well. You are so artistic and innovative yet, classic. I am glad we are friends...even though it's so long distance now.

kajsia mccoy said...

those are sweet. i love old decrepit buildings too.