last night tiff and i went to the jazz/rockets game. the seats were 11th row {between sitting on the court at flash games and 11th row jazz seats i will not be able to sit in the nose bleed seats again for awhile...ha ha} and the game was so freaking awesome. the jazz seriously killed! i love kyle korver and d. will he did amazing scored like 33 pts and was 4/4 on 3 pts and had like 6 assists. it was so fun and we could actually hear what the players were saying! thanks tiff!!
this is me at half while they were warming up you can see d will is about to shoot the ball to the left behind me... and this is d will shooting a foul shot, i wanted one of korver too but he never got fouled!
this month {well technically a few days ago...} i finally started reading 'eragon' been meaning to read it for awhile now. and tonight as i read i came across this quote, simple but pretty great.
page 123: 'i wouldn't push you so hard if i didn't think you were strong enough.'
today i hate my phone...i have checked it a MILLION times hoping that i'll get a text from someone. i even one time thought i'll take a text from anyone! pretty soon after that i got a text and it wasn't from him...i realized i didn't really want a text from just anyone... so today little phone i'm ready to turn you off and try to pretend you don't exist {might last 10 minutes ha}
to be completely honest i have one of the cutest little sisters in the world, and even when i am trying to hurry and get ready and leave for the day or get out the door to play at night i love that she always follows me around, wants me to hold her and comes up and gives me a hug. she sends me text messages that don't mean anything. she loves gumballs and going to work with me. mostly though, even though she is only 4 she always knows when i need a hug.
first time shooting today. i wasn't that great but wasn't half bad. right after i shot and nailed my last clay pigeon, the cops came and luckily just gave us a warning. we had to leave immediately so i didn't get to take pictures of us but it was really fun so thanks boys for teaching me how to shoot i'll be practicing for next time!
all i want to do this week is give up. today was horrible i made a HUGE mistake at work. i'm not sure what the outcome will be but what's done is done. and if you want to know what got me through today 1 nephi 11:17 in The Book of Mormon. i might not understand why something happens but i do know that God loves us, and at the end of the day that is what really matters
if you ever go to the grocery store with cody {to grab some milk for his mom} don't let him get out of your sight because he may just buy you a whole pack of fruit stripes gum and make you chew the whole pack all at once within 10 thought fruit stripes were sick before...try 18 pieces at once. you'll never want to chew fruity gum again...vomit!
i may have won 2 games of speed/knock out/elimination at work a dress. my boss may have gotten a little upset that i beat him, if i get fired soon i'm talking to hr. ha but it was pretty awesome...can't wait for the next time we play!
tonight after the flash game {they won} we went to get a bite to eat...turn around to see utah flash player 'neville' at the same place grabbing a bite himself. me thinking it would be funny, on our way out the door i stop at his table and say i just wanted you to know you played well this point he practically shoved his straw, with which he was eating his shake, into his chin and entirely missed his mouth he went to wipe off his face and muttered thanks...before he could do that though i stammered, 'you play for the flash right?' and he said yes. as i practically ran into shanna and out the door we were all cracking up, i must say it was the ultimate end to a great night!! {also sorry for the crappy pic...i need a new baby camera in a bad way!}
if you pick me than i'm yours. but if you don't that's okay too. ya know you do everything you can for something than you just kind of have to leave it to what is meant to be.